What is TurningPoints?

TurningPoints is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that works with economy and security. Our aim is to create an economy for all, through a new type of company, and develop better and more just policing around the world through better leadership and conflict concepts - and through bringing together the companies and the police in practical training and dialogues.

Poverty and violence are closely related: to end one, you must end the other as well

Therefore TurningPoints’ core tasks are to develop new types of economies and policing through active involvement in setting up businesses, initiate training programs, coordinate interventions, carry out courses and research. It does so through two sub-divisions.

  • Pass It On’s task is to create companies that create companies, which are democratically owned, self-reliant, sustainable companies, with profit sharing.
  • Politeia’s task is to educate the police in leadership theory, conflict theory, conflict resolution, and in how to build a professional police force that people trust and turn to when in need.

TurningPoints is the coordinator between the two sub-divisions and the place where experience and knowledge is gathered, so that experience in one place can be used in another place.

The Two parallel Intervention Processes

TurningPoints contacts a number of people in need of an income. At the same time TurningPoints contacts the local police with an offer of courses in leadership and conflict resolution.

The first meetings

In the first meetings with the local citizens, we uncover capabilities, interests and needs. Next, the group is established as a provisional company. Thus, the company has not yet decided what it is to produce. That decision depends on the meeting with the local community.

Meeting the needs of the local community

The next task is to carry out a meeting with representatives of the local population. The meeting will focus on the collective needs, interests and the capabilities of the local community. The meeting ends with the formulation of 3-4 specific needs. It is these local needs that guide what the new company should produce.

Company development

Based on the assessment of the local needs and capabilities, the company is established and the range of courses is started. A central part of this course is teaching and training in ethics, economics, management, organisation, communication and conflict resolution.

Police development

The police work consists of teaching police history (professional identity), ethics and human rights (values), leadership (social and organisational understanding), economics, communication and conflict resolution (task understanding and production). The courses are somewhat similar to the civilian courses.

The joint meeting between companies and police

After the first two separate series of courses, the two groups have now built a first common 'language' for the local problems that include ethics, economy, leadership and conflict resolution. Therefore, they must now conduct a series of joint meetings and together work out goals and tasks for a common future. The purpose of the meetings between the companies and the police is several: relation-building, security and in the long term trust-building - but also to get started in practical terms.

Continued developments

The local community, the companies and the police now have to start developing their own security, relations and trust. They must do so on the basis of their own experiences, their own wishes and their own resources - the local production, the local economy.

TurningPoints' intervention proces:


The new business concept is called 'Pass It On' because the economical, professional and organisational learning processes that arises in one business must be passed on to 3 other new businesses.



TurningPoints is the coordinating NGO that works with two main concerns: development and security. We do so through business creation and police training in leadership and conflict resolution. In this process TurningPoint's task is knowledge generation, concept development and networking.



Politeia means 'the good society' - the society that prospers and where human beings thrive. In many ways this is the most central task of the police. For the police to become better at this, we offer the police education and practical training in leadership and conflict resolution.


Why TurningPoints?

The world is facing an unprecedented growth of the world population and at the same time realising that there are limits to material growth and consumption.

This biologically unsustainable and socially conflict-prone situation is left to political and economical ideas which were developed in the 17th century. We have to realise that they cannot produce answers and efficient practical solutions to the present day global situation, when it comes to sustainability, basic human needs, job creation and social-economic security.

What can we do?

The big challenge is to come up with both balanced and practical answers to these profound and practical challenges:

  • We cannot expand material growth to more sustainability. We have to Re-distribute and share!
  • We cannot compete to less inequality. We have to cooperate!
  • We cannot regard humans as means to ends. We have to humanise!
  • We cannot force humans to peace. We have to mediate!

If we do not react and change our basic ideas and practical everyday lives in a situation like this, the lines of social divide and intense poverty will deepen, and this will in turn result in social unrest, violence and migration for better opportunities in the structurally weak cities. This migration will lead to more hard policing, which will not solve the problems, but lead to more direct violence, and the escalation spiral of violence will then transform the national migrant to an international refugee.

So, we have to come up with ways to prevent this escalation of violence. This could be in new ways of producing goods and new ways of sharing the profits. And we also have to come up with ways to create common social security and trust.

How can we do that?

TurningPoints has developed a new concept of company-creation that will not only deliver jobs at a properly geared pace, but will do so in a way that will benefit people in need in a sustainable way, without destroying precious resources and nature.

We call it: ‘Pass It On

A Pass It On is not a socialist state-supported business, it is not a capitalist private business either; and it is not a cooperative in the original form - we have added some extra principles. We have created a new business model in order to meet demands from nature, human beings and economy.

The 5 principles of a Pass It On are the following:

  • Pass It On! Every Pass It On must start 3 new Pass It On (learning to build security, trust and meaning)
  • The Meeting! Every Pass It On must rest on local expressed needs found through open meetings (sustain and create cultural diversity and democracy)
  • The Limit! Every Pass It On must work for local production and consumption to become sustainable in relation to climate, biodiversity and social diversity
  • The Ombudsperson! Every Pass It On must develop capacity to good leadership and conflict resolution (human beings are not commodities - human sustainability)
  • Not for Sale! A Pass It On can not be sold as it is part of a local community's expressed needs

The purpose of these principles are to speed up and spread economic growth; to create local ownership and support; to reduce monocultural production, thus helping both biodiversity and cultural diversity; to bolster already good capacities for leadership and conflict resolution; and to stabilise local development by keeping created values in the local community.

Development will, however, not take place if it is met with no social order, with mistrust and with violence.

So, to create a social economical growth process the police must be included. The name 'Police' is derived from the greek word 'politeia' which meant 'the good prosperous order'. Logically, the police of today must return to this understanding and take on the task to help the social development to become a good social order in which people thrive and prosper.

The economy needs social order and the police needs the economy. The lack of this balance has the same effect on the over-all economy as a civil war.

Alas, the police which is supposed to deal with these social tasks, is in many countries wrongly recruited, under-staffed, under-educated and under-paid. The result is inefficient policing and mistrust between population and police. Thus, in many places we see no security, no development and no economical growth.

The Idea, The Strategy, The Program and the Company

In TurningPoints, we modestly believe,wehave developed good answers to some of these balances, dilemmas and practical challenges. Please have a look:


The ideas are actually ancient ideas that have been formulated over and over again by very different persons in very different positions: that human beings must never become means to other human beings...



In TurningPoints we see the human being as both an individual and a social being. Historically, this has created many brutal dilemmas. This creates two basic human goals: to be individually free and to socially belong...



TurningPoints has programmed this summer to start with 1 out of 4 locally adapted initiatives. This summer the program consists of starting up a Pass It On Company, and at the same time offer the local police a training program...



TurningPoints has developed the Pass It On Concept, whose overall purpose is to reduce poverty and violence by establishing businesses with a new form of ownership and organisational structure...


What can YOU do?

You become a member or volunteer in one of our country programs below:


This Pass It On Company will start up in Denmark, in Gellerup. Gellerup is the largest non-profit housing construction in Denmark. The unemployment rate is 50 % among men in the age between 40 - 60 years. They are typically refugees who need to be recognised.



This Pass It Company will start up in Greece. Greece has been suffering from a very bad financial situation, which is especially hard on the youth. The youth see an unemployment rate in the vicinity of 35 %. This means that they cannot get on with their lives.



Pass It On companies will start up in Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. People fleeing the region give two reasons: unemployment and violence. Help them stay in their homes with family and friends. Let us donate jobs and offer the police better education.



This Pass It On Company will start up in Ethiopia. The new peace accord must be supported from the outside world, and in a way that expands the contry's own local ressources and capacities. Let us support a peaceful development so they can create a peace culture.


Thank you!